My White House sources tell me that The President relayed the following story to Russian Prime Minister Vladamir Putin over beers in the garden. The Prime Minister was very sympathetic. Apparently his wife only lets him play softball twice a month. He did however invite The President to join him for a game of "Red Square Softball," and even offered to make him an honorary member of his "Moscow Maulers." Could a an international game between The Maulers and The Spin-Offs be far off?
The White House: The President tip-toes past his wife's office, softball glove in hand. Unfortunately for him, The First Lady is onto him.
MO: "Barack - Did you finish your speech for the Unitded Nations?"
BO: "Yes Dear."
MO: "Did you take the dog out for a walk?"
BO: "Yes Dear."
MO: "OK then - go have fun with your Spin-Offs. Just be sure to be home in time for supper."
The President breathes a sigh of relief. He was expecting The Missus to ask him whether he'd fixed the health care problem yet!